Are you using 4PSA VoipNow?

Meet MOR, the 4PSA VoipNow alternative for VoIP providers requiring a more robust Class 5 Softswitch with advanced billing and routing features to manage voice business more efficiently.

Product focus

MOR 4PSA VoipNow
MOR is a robust Class 5 Softswitch, with advanced switching, billing, and routing functions. MOR has a PBX Functions add-on, but its core features are billing and routing. VoipNow is an Enterprise PBX with voice, video, presence, instant messaging, conferencing, faxing, and contact center features. VoipNow is limited in billing and routing features


Bug Fixing and New Releases

MOR 4PSA VoipNow
Bug fixing is Kolmisoft priority and is done very fast. Bugs are fixed by updating within the same version or upgrading to a newer version. New features are announced in Kolmisoft Blog each month. Version updates are not consistent, sometimes 9 months pass without an update. According to John’s review in Capterra, they have “frequent bugs” and are “slow on new releases.


MOR 4PSA VoipNow
MOR has a flexible routing and supports the following modes:

VoipNow has a basic implementation of call routing. Call route selection chooses the SIP trunk provider, based on criteria such as:

  • Time of call
  • Destination
  • Price, and availability.


MOR 4PSA VoipNow
Kolmisoft uses Fail2Ban, which protects MOR against brute force attacks and suspicious activity. MOR also allows you to easily block IPs and entire countries. You may also configure Alerts that will help you prevent various hacking attempts, even if the hacker tries to attack your client. Read more about how to be secure using MOR . The application layer firewall offers protection against stack brute force attacks. You can set limits on the number of concurrent calls. VoipNow comes with extended media encryption (SDES and STLS-SRTP standards)

Wondering where to start?

Here are some useful resources:


Ready to try MOR seriously?

Sign up for the Pilot project and you‘ll get:

  • Installation on your server or on Kolmisoft dedicated servers
  • Technical support and assistance with configurations
  • Fully functional MOR system with the complete feature set

Still have questions? Contact us and we’ll be glad to assist!